茶道 (“Sado” Japanese tea Ceremony)



儀式は伝統的に畳の部屋で行われます。茶道は抹茶の入った茶碗に熱湯を注ぎ、茶碗を茶筅でかき混ぜます。緑茶と一緒に和菓子も出され、お茶を飲む前に食べることになっています。 セレモニーの間、私は日本人の友人とホストの指示に従いました。茶道はお茶を淹れるだけではなく、正しい歩き方や座り方、道具の正しい扱い方も重要だと説明してくれました。 茶碗は、正面を向いて目の前の畳の上に置かれます。右手で持ち上げ、左手の手のひらに乗せます。お茶をもらって飲み終わったらお辞儀をして感謝の気持ちを表します。



I am RG from the System Engineering Department Section 3.

Last Sunday, I went to Kofukuji Temple for a Traditional Japanese Tea ceremony “Sado” with One of my Japanese Friend. The first time we attended the traditional Japanese Tea ceremony. First, we visited the temple and then attend the tea ceremony.

The ceremony is traditionally held in a tatami room. Sado is done by pouring hot water into a bowl containing powdered matcha (green tea) and then stirring the bowl with a bamboo whisk. A Japanese sweet is also served along with green tea and is supposed to be eaten before drinking tea. I followed the instruction of my Japanese friend and the host during the ceremony. They explained that Sado is not only about making tea but also about walking and sitting properly and handling utensils correctly. The tea bowl is placed onto the tatami mat in front of you, with its front facing you. Pick it up with your right hand and place it on your left palm. Bow and express gratitude after receiving and finishing your tea.

It was a very pleasant experience to attend a traditional Japanese ritual.