
こんにちは、幹事会です。 昨年12/27(金)に忘年会を実施致しました。これは、年間を通して私たちが経験する良い時と悪い時を祝う日です。忘年会を祝うとき、私たちは悪いことを忘れて新しい年を新鮮な心で始めるために、一緒に食事と飲酒を楽しんでいます。同僚は、お互いの関係を強化するために持ってい た瞬間と経験を結び付けて共有します。誰もが私たちが成功した年のためにお互いに挨拶したときに提供される食べ物を楽しんでいます。新人社員は熱い席に置かれ、彼らの顔に笑顔で同様にインタビューされました。誰もが私たちが持っていた小さなゲーム(じゃんけんゲーム)に参加し、受賞者には素晴らしい賞品が贈られました。それは短いお祝いでしたが、有意義であり、私たちは皆、前向きな考え方で新年を楽しみにしています。


Last December 27, 2019, we held the year-end party. This is the day where we celebrate the good timesdom and the bad times we experience during the year. As we celebrate “Bonenkai”, we enjoy dining and drinking together in order to forget the bad things and start the new year with a fresh mind. Co-workers bond and experiences they had to strengthen the relationship with each other. Everybody enjoys the food which is served as we greeted each other for a successful year. Newly hired workers were put in the hot seat and were interviewed as well with a smile in their faces. Everyone participated in small games we had (rock-paper-scissors game) with cool prizes for the winners. Although it was a short celebration, it was meaningful and we are all looking forward to the new year with a positive mindset.