自分のための時間 (Make time for your self)


時間は誰もが不足しているように見え、それは最も重要な結果をもたらす要因の 1 つとなります。木は成長するのに時間がかかり、中国の竹は最初の5年間は成長の兆しを見せませんが、次の6週間以内に約240cmまで成長します。


ビジネスを経営し、仕事をし、家族の世話をし、社会的な約束に参加します。ライフスタイルが何を要求するにせよ、燃え尽きないようにする必要があります。「自分」 の時間を優先させないと、疲労感や疲労感が増しまてしまいます。




Hello, I am RG from the System Engineering Department Section 3.

Time is something we all seem to be short of, yet it is one of the factors that give the most significant results. Trees take time to grow, the Chinese bamboo tree shows no sign of growth in the first five years but then within the next six weeks grows around 240cm.

The demands of modern-day life can be overwhelming. running a business, working a job, taking care of a family, and participating in social commitments. Whatever your lifestyle demands, you need to make sure you don’t burn out. If you don’t prioritize “me” time then you’ll feel more tired and more run down.

Whenever I have been forcing myself to focus on completing a task or solving a problem and I don’t seem to be getting anywhere then I will just take a little break. Sometimes when you don’t put your brain under too much pressure, you will find that solution will suddenly come to you because you aren’t trying to force it.

If things aren’t working out right now, it’s just lag time. Stay committed, stay determined and keep moving forward.